So our last task is to look back and talk about what we learned and how it can affect our learning goals. I've always made it a point to try and learn something new everyday, and to use that new information or skill as often as possible. Something I learned early on was that technology was here to stay. That it's an ever evolving medium with new ideas and pathways that can sometimes be mind boggling. Just thinking about the new technology presented in these tasks can give you a head (and headache) full of new ideas and possibilities.
* Using Flickr to show online customers about our display's and our library.
* Giving virtual tours through YouTube.
* Visual and virtual step by step instructions on how to use our services.
* Having an online book club.
* Podcasts of reviews on the top circulating books in our collection or a new service offered.
Just some of the tons of ideas out there that can expand on the services we have. In a way, just taking it one more step from what we do now.
Can it be intimidating? Oh yes. Scary in some ways, but new things can be that way.
It's a matter of stepping up to the plate and doing it.
Besides. I don't want to be called a Noob.
It's bad for my image.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Overdrive Audiobooks
A great service to use. Anyone that's been in a hospital knows that the endless hours can be boring. Books go a long way to alleviate that boredom, but if your eyes aren't working that great to begin with, then audiobooks are the way to go.
When my Mom was in the hospital, and later in the nursing home, one of the many ways I kept her busy was through the audiobooks offered through Overdrive. I went out and purchased an MP3 player and then loaded it up with hours and hours of books. She was able to catch up on a lot of "reading" that she couldn't have done any other way. It helped to reduce her stress levels and kept her entertained.
I still have that MP3 player and the last books she listened to.
It makes it easier.
When my Mom was in the hospital, and later in the nursing home, one of the many ways I kept her busy was through the audiobooks offered through Overdrive. I went out and purchased an MP3 player and then loaded it up with hours and hours of books. She was able to catch up on a lot of "reading" that she couldn't have done any other way. It helped to reduce her stress levels and kept her entertained.
I still have that MP3 player and the last books she listened to.
It makes it easier.
This week had to get some podcasts. Naturally I looked up some gaming podcasts and then listened in for all I was worth.
I can see the appeal. Now that I think about it my husband listens to Rush for the entertainment factor. Sometimes he's said that he wishes I had heard something that was said in a show. I did some looking and what'ya know, he's got podcasts.
I can see where libraries would benefit from having podcasts about certain topics, such as popular books, or specific genres. I love sci-fi, but don't have time to look at all the new stuff coming out. I can't read all the reviews, but listening to them would be easy. Hook up my ipod to the radio in my car and good to go.
Hmmm.....I like it.
I can see the appeal. Now that I think about it my husband listens to Rush for the entertainment factor. Sometimes he's said that he wishes I had heard something that was said in a show. I did some looking and what'ya know, he's got podcasts.
I can see where libraries would benefit from having podcasts about certain topics, such as popular books, or specific genres. I love sci-fi, but don't have time to look at all the new stuff coming out. I can't read all the reviews, but listening to them would be easy. Hook up my ipod to the radio in my car and good to go.
Hmmm.....I like it.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Ok, to say I love YouTube is light. I browse it every night for something new to watch. I send friends and family stuff all the time, to the point where some of them have had enough. Their nice about it tho.
Since I love cats I browsed for that and found
The Engineers Guide to Cats
Great stuff. He's even made a video for Doritos that could be part of the Super Bowl commercials we all watch each year.
It's great. :)
Since I love cats I browsed for that and found
The Engineers Guide to Cats
Great stuff. He's even made a video for Doritos that could be part of the Super Bowl commercials we all watch each year.
It's great. :)
Web 2.0 Tools
So we had to look at some of the award winning 2.0 tools. I was looking through and found a site called doof. Great place. Social site along with games. I'm officially hooked on Rat Maze. Cheese! Creating an account is super easy and once that's set up, your ready to go. Don't play gem swap if you are crunched for time. It's a hard game to lose. Sounds silly until you play it.
It's a great place to play a game by yourself or to challenge someone else. Anytime anyone logs in a little bubble pops up letting you know. Between contact lists and what not you never lack for someone to play with. I haven't gone in depth with it, but I will stick around to see what the site has to offer.
It's a great place to play a game by yourself or to challenge someone else. Anytime anyone logs in a little bubble pops up letting you know. Between contact lists and what not you never lack for someone to play with. I haven't gone in depth with it, but I will stick around to see what the site has to offer.
Google Docs
I've been using Google docs for a while. In the beginning I had to get used to the subtle differences between Word and Docs, but now I'm thrilled to have it.
The main reason I use it is to translate stuff for people and send them the doc and not have to worry if they can see it.
I decided to make my Xmas list with it this year.
I'm not asking for much.
Dear Santa,
I want one of these

and this

of course this

and finally a friend.

I assure you that all of my requests are vital for my health and happiness.
The main reason I use it is to translate stuff for people and send them the doc and not have to worry if they can see it.
I decided to make my Xmas list with it this year.
I'm not asking for much.
Dear Santa,
I want one of these
and this
of course this
and finally a friend.
PB Wiki
So now that we know about wiki's here our in depth exercise with it. Have to list our favorites. Movies, music, books and more. It's great to only have to go to one place and list all the things you like and at the same time discover the things that others consider their favorites. Now I know about a great beach if I ever visit Hawaii. New ideas in music to check out, and movies to watch that I am curious about.
How can this be used?
For some reason all that comes to mind, (Right now. It's early, cut me some slack) is that time when your in grade school and that girl is passing around a folder that has that quiz in it. You know. The one that asks about your fav (list something). Then all of the sudden you have a new best friend, but then, another folder comes around, expanding a bit on said theme, and you fill it out because if you don't you'll make your current BF really mad, but you have to be careful in what you say because your new BF might get mad because your current BF has better questions, then you get confused because you can't remember what you wrote in the first quiz, then the boys start passing around their quiz and it's just gross.
Make a wiki! Then you can keep track.
How can this be used?
For some reason all that comes to mind, (Right now. It's early, cut me some slack) is that time when your in grade school and that girl is passing around a folder that has that quiz in it. You know. The one that asks about your fav (list something). Then all of the sudden you have a new best friend, but then, another folder comes around, expanding a bit on said theme, and you fill it out because if you don't you'll make your current BF really mad, but you have to be careful in what you say because your new BF might get mad because your current BF has better questions, then you get confused because you can't remember what you wrote in the first quiz, then the boys start passing around their quiz and it's just gross.
Make a wiki! Then you can keep track.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
From book reviews and previews to how to's. Rhyming not intended, wiki's can provide you with tons of information, (again) at your fingertips.
Let's face it, information overload is not an uncommon complaint now a days. Websites try to give you everything they can because our attention spans only give them an average of 20 seconds. Enter a wiki. Quick, simple, and often (important this) accurate information with none of the desperate clutter of full run websites.
I like to think of them as bare bones web pages, where a bit of information at a time makes a difference. You can see where it all began and get the joke. (sometimes) It can give you ideas on how to start pages, or how Not to finish them, and it doesn't have to be only you! Whole groups can collaborate on wiki's and if something is not accurate, there are experts out there that can help you set it straight.
Collaboration is the key. It's not locked down, instead it's open to all. Not only you learn about a topic, but so do your work mates, roommates, and class mates. Friends, family and coworkers can all get involved in wikis.
Drag your library to the fun! They can create book reviews and previews. Program times and ideas. Feedback on how to improve a program. Online bookclub?
I know there are more ideas. I'm just overloaded!
Let's face it, information overload is not an uncommon complaint now a days. Websites try to give you everything they can because our attention spans only give them an average of 20 seconds. Enter a wiki. Quick, simple, and often (important this) accurate information with none of the desperate clutter of full run websites.
I like to think of them as bare bones web pages, where a bit of information at a time makes a difference. You can see where it all began and get the joke. (sometimes) It can give you ideas on how to start pages, or how Not to finish them, and it doesn't have to be only you! Whole groups can collaborate on wiki's and if something is not accurate, there are experts out there that can help you set it straight.
Collaboration is the key. It's not locked down, instead it's open to all. Not only you learn about a topic, but so do your work mates, roommates, and class mates. Friends, family and coworkers can all get involved in wikis.
Drag your library to the fun! They can create book reviews and previews. Program times and ideas. Feedback on how to improve a program. Online bookclub?
I know there are more ideas. I'm just overloaded!
On library 2.0
Some thoughts, based upon what I read.
To more powerful ways to cooperate
Powerful points made for the new and improved technical library, but still again, the same basic thing. Yes, we should be more cooperative in our systems. I.L.L is a shinning example of it, but that doesn't have to be all there is. How about not requiring authorization when allowing access to OCLC? Sharing!! What?? I know...blew my mind too. But think about it. You can find so much in OCLC. Most of us use it at least once a day. No more middleman. Customers can go directly to it. Woohoo!
Secondly bringing in the customers that don't cross our threshold. Huh? You say? Doesn't our website bring customers to us? Don't they check out audio books, videos, an e-books without ever looking some of us in the face? They are there, we just have to coax them to us. We are a social entity, whether we like it or not, that provides learning, entertainment and a sense of community. Why not provide that online. Second life anyone?
Thirdly the ease of access to information. Let's face it, with so much out there, it's easy to look at it all and just let your mind have a meltdown before you even start looking for what you want. Libraries have been trying to do this since the beginning, it's one of the many things that make up our operating procedures. Let us help you get to what you want. Ask a Librarian does that now. But more importantly, when you put it out there for the web world, let it make sense! But also, make it easy. Now a days we get to see it. With better ways to integrate technology there's an ease of information access. Two of my favorite things.
Lastly. Better information. Gather all the 0's and 1's you can and put them in order. They are VITAL! The more information you have the better you can arrange it. The bare bones information in today's world is needed to keep up with it's shrinking. We aren't in Kansas anymore. We're also in Buenos Aires, the Congo, and in Osaka which means we have to provide easily accessible information to all those customers. The demand will come, but are we ready for it.
To more powerful ways to cooperate
Powerful points made for the new and improved technical library, but still again, the same basic thing. Yes, we should be more cooperative in our systems. I.L.L is a shinning example of it, but that doesn't have to be all there is. How about not requiring authorization when allowing access to OCLC? Sharing!! What?? I know...blew my mind too. But think about it. You can find so much in OCLC. Most of us use it at least once a day. No more middleman. Customers can go directly to it. Woohoo!
Secondly bringing in the customers that don't cross our threshold. Huh? You say? Doesn't our website bring customers to us? Don't they check out audio books, videos, an e-books without ever looking some of us in the face? They are there, we just have to coax them to us. We are a social entity, whether we like it or not, that provides learning, entertainment and a sense of community. Why not provide that online. Second life anyone?
Thirdly the ease of access to information. Let's face it, with so much out there, it's easy to look at it all and just let your mind have a meltdown before you even start looking for what you want. Libraries have been trying to do this since the beginning, it's one of the many things that make up our operating procedures. Let us help you get to what you want. Ask a Librarian does that now. But more importantly, when you put it out there for the web world, let it make sense! But also, make it easy. Now a days we get to see it. With better ways to integrate technology there's an ease of information access. Two of my favorite things.
Lastly. Better information. Gather all the 0's and 1's you can and put them in order. They are VITAL! The more information you have the better you can arrange it. The bare bones information in today's world is needed to keep up with it's shrinking. We aren't in Kansas anymore. We're also in Buenos Aires, the Congo, and in Osaka which means we have to provide easily accessible information to all those customers. The demand will come, but are we ready for it.
So this weeks it's Technorati.
The Blogosphere.
So one of the things we have to do is look for Learning 2.0 and then search around, see what people are talking about.
Well, with 6000+ results for Learning 2.0 my work was cut out for me. But then, I remembered, we could look around, and around I went.
I went a little crazy at first. Food, games, pc's, dogs, cats, stuff...blah, blah, blah! Information overload! There's so much information there for the picking.
Good news. I now have Take-Two's and Capcom release schedules for some of the games I've been looking forward to.
Bad news. Not until October! :(...and Pokemon Platinum. I'm not done with Explorers of Darkness yet!
There really is TONS of information out there. Some of it just rambling like this, but other stuff, factual info for anyone's benefit. With Technorati you can sift through all the information to get down to the nitty gritty of what you are looking for.
The Blogosphere.
So one of the things we have to do is look for Learning 2.0 and then search around, see what people are talking about.
Well, with 6000+ results for Learning 2.0 my work was cut out for me. But then, I remembered, we could look around, and around I went.
I went a little crazy at first. Food, games, pc's, dogs, cats, stuff...blah, blah, blah! Information overload! There's so much information there for the picking.
Good news. I now have Take-Two's and Capcom release schedules for some of the games I've been looking forward to.
Bad news. Not until October! :(...and Pokemon Platinum. I'm not done with Explorers of Darkness yet!
There really is TONS of information out there. Some of it just rambling like this, but other stuff, factual info for anyone's benefit. With Technorati you can sift through all the information to get down to the nitty gritty of what you are looking for.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I started using this a while back, but I tend to find it way to busy so I've not taken advantage of it the way it's probably meant to be used. I can see the benefits of having your bookmarks within easy reach, pretty much anywhere you go. I kind of like it but it's still way to busy for my taste.
My poor brain can't take it!
Tagging I do on a frequent basis tho. Right now with Amazon so I can keep track of gifts and stuff. I send my family my tags and they can look around at things with similar tags for gift ideas. It's really handy when looking for more information on a subject to. :)
My poor brain can't take it!
Tagging I do on a frequent basis tho. Right now with Amazon so I can keep track of gifts and stuff. I send my family my tags and they can look around at things with similar tags for gift ideas. It's really handy when looking for more information on a subject to. :)
I totally forgot I had a Library Thing account. Spent a good chunk of time updating it. I'm glad I have it tho. I realized just by looking at it that it's probably the best way for me to remember what I read. It helps in keeping track too! Oh! I wonder if they have something like this for video games. That would be great!
Lava Lamps!
So I was searching for an image generator and found this instead.
Love the way it looks and it was so easy to make!
Love the way it looks and it was so easy to make!
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